After EXPO, the Czech pavi­li­on will return home – to Vizovice

19. 08. 2015 | News

The KOMA com­pa­ny, which lea­ses the pavi­li­on to the Czech Repub­lic, has announ­ced the fate awai­ting the ele­gant buil­ding after the end of EXPO.

The pavi­li­on will be disas­sem­bled, trans­por­ted and reas­sem­bled here in Vizo­vi­ce,” repor­ted Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, direc­tor of the KOMA com­pa­ny. The­re are seve­ral rea­sons which have led me to this deci­si­on: the suc­cess of EXPO has resul­ted in incre­a­sed demand in Euro­pe; we want to pre­ser­ve the archi­tectu­ral cha­rac­ter of the pavi­li­on; and as a patri­ot of Zlín, I also like the idea of the EXPO pavi­li­on being in Vizovice.”

In Vizo­vi­ce, the pavi­li­on will be used as an exhi­bi­ti­on area; its upper flo­ors will be dedi­ca­ted to the KOMA admi­nis­tra­ti­ve cen­t­re. EXPO 2015 takes pla­ce in Milan from 1 May to 31 Octo­ber 2015; about thir­ty pri­va­te com­pa­nies have con­tri­bu­ted to our par­ti­ci­pati­on as a nation.

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