KOMA: a soci­ally respon­si­ble com­pa­ny in its region

07. 01. 2015 | News

KOMA has a long tra­di­ti­on of sup­por­ting inte­res­ting ven­tu­res and cul­tu­ral events in its regi­on. One of the more recent pro­jects in this field invol­ved the spon­sor­ship of the book entit­led The Extra­or­di­na­ry Explo­its of a Baťa Expor­ter‘. KOMA pro­vi­ded finan­cial bac­king for the book which, even after years, still has much to say to con­tem­po­ra­ry expor­ters. Mar­tin Hart, KOMA­’s mar­ke­ting direc­tor, expla­i­ned the moti­ves behind the deci­si­on to sup­port the pub­li­cati­on of the book: The deci­si­on to sup­port this pub­li­cati­on was made very quick­ly; at KOMA we are proudly com­mit­ted to the lega­cy of Tomáš Baťa, who chan­ged the face of our regi­on. As his admi­rers, we just had to help with the publication.‘

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