The KOMA com­pa­ny is a reli­a­ble part­ner in busi­ness endea­vou­rs. This is gre­at­ly appre­ci­a­ted, espe­ci­ally by firms run­ning the­ir own ren­tal parks, for which KOMA pro­du­ces spe­cial ren­tal con­ta­i­ners accor­ding to the ren­tal firm’s requi­re­ments. KOMA par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the deve­lo­p­ment pha­se and in inno­vati­ons. Unique sani­ta­ry modu­les are among the KOMA company’s spe­ci­a­li­ties. They are appre­ci­a­ted by pres­ti­gi­ous mul­ti­nati­o­nal enter­pri­ses in Europe.


Sanitary Modules

Sin­ce its foun­ding years ago, KOMA MODU­LAR has estab­lished its exper­ti­se in sani­ta­ry modu­le pro­ducti­on. The KOMA modu­les have been set up as bac­kdrops for VIP events as well as world and Euro­pe­an sport championships.


Construction Site Facilities

These days, con­structi­on site faci­li­ties would not be com­ple­te without dwel­lings and sani­ta­ry modu­les. Dwel­ling and sani­ta­ry modu­les are sui­table both as smaller buil­dings and as lar­ge buil­ding units with offi­ces, dres­sing rooms, lod­ging quar­ters, modu­les for rest, and foodservice.