Sanitary Modules - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Sani­ta­ry Modules

KOMA has been coo­pe­ra­ting with mul­ti­nati­o­nal com­pa­nies for more than ten years in the deve­lo­p­ment and pro­vi­si­on of trans­por­table sani­ta­ry modu­les and con­ta­i­ners. This, along with rela­ted ser­vi­ces, has made KOMA a spe­ci­a­list in the field. KOMA offers stan­dard and spe­ci­a­li­zed solu­ti­ons in the form of indi­vi­du­al modu­les or com­ple­te collecti­ons. It is a mat­ter of cour­se that a pro­to­ty­pe is pro­du­ced and tes­ted befo­re a new collecti­on goes into series production.

Koma sanitarky 01

VIP Luxury Sanitary Modules

These luxu­ri­ous modu­lar spa­ces com­bi­ne exclusi­ve sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment with designer acces­so­ries and high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als. Thanks to our exper­ti­se and atten­ti­on to detail, we have offe­red our long-stan­ding cus­to­mer an aesthe­tic and functi­o­nal spa­ce at the highest level.

Year of implementation:2023
Country of implementation:Poland
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Super VIP sanitární moduly TOI TOI & DIXI

Year of implementation:2011
Country of implementation:Germany
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VIP sanitary modules for TOI TOI & DIXI

TOI TOI & DIXI of the ADCO Group have offi­ces worl­dwi­de and these pre­mi­um modu­les are ren­ted for cul­tu­ral or sport events – in short, any­whe­re mobi­li­ty and luxu­ry are requi­red by customers.

Year of implementation:2005
Country of implementation:Germany
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Schmidt Social Facility

Modu­lar two-sto­rey extensi­on of faci­li­ties for employees.

Year of implementation:2011
Country of implementation:Germany
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Advantages of modular constructions

Line quality
Most production is carried out under constant climatic conditions in a production hall. Fully digitized production enables line quality to be achieved thanks to the control system. KOMA is proud to implement the Industry 4.0 system.
The economic benefits are not only based on the speed of modular construction. Line production also means control over the price of a product. As a result, the price you agree to when awarding the contract is the price you actually pay for the construction.
Thanks to the preparation of modules, including the equipment in the production hall, the building will be erected on site in a matter of hours and is effectively ready for use.
A modular object can later be disassembled into individual modules and re-implemented to meet the needs of another object.
Modular buildings can respond to the current needs of the owner and can be expanded. For example two additional floors could be added.
One equally important feature follows from above; a modular structure is extremely environmentally friendly. Inhabitants of surrounding living spaces are not disturbed by an enduring construction process.

Related references

2023 |
Sanitary Module with Wooden Façade
2023 |
Sanitary Modules for Senegal
2023 |
VIP Luxury Sanitary Modules

Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110