Circular construction - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Cir­cu­lar construction

All pro­ducts, mate­ri­als, and raw mate­ri­als can be reu­sed. The­ir value is pre­ser­ved to the gre­a­test extent possi­ble. This is called clo­sed cycle – cir­cu­lar con­structi­on. However, it is not only about the reu­se of mate­ri­als- it is also about the­ir ori­gins. KOMA aims to con­t­rol the impacts of modu­lar con­structi­on on the envi­ron­ment (inclu­ding CO2 emis­si­ons and was­te tre­at­ment) throu­ghout the enti­re life cycle of the modu­lar construction.

Porovnání modulární a tradiční výstavby

O 31 % méně CO2
O 55 % nižší uhlíková stopa na m^2
O 83 % méně odpadu

What are the advantages of circular construction?

Susta­i­na­bi­li­ty is not only a pri­o­ri­ty as a poli­ti­cal goal – regar­dless of gover­n­men­tal stra­te­gies con­cer­ning cir­cu­lar eco­no­my, KOMA MODU­LAR aspi­res to achie­ve a was­te-free pro­ducti­on pro­cess throu­gh the reu­se of all materials.

The aim is to con­tri­bu­te to a susta­i­na­ble eco­no­my and the envi­ron­ment. The reu­se of mate­ri­als is also very attracti­ve from a finan­cial point of view. At the same time, reu­sing resour­ces means redu­cing costs to our cus­to­mers. Thanks to recyc­la­ble mate­ri­als such as mine­ral wool or wood fiber insu­lati­on, the com­fort and exclusi­vi­ty of modu­lar con­structi­on will also incre­a­se in the future.

  • Fashion line triple 27
  • Fashion line triple 9
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  • Fashion line triple 1
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  • Fashion line triple 4
  • Fashion line triple 28
  • Fashion line triple 26

How to deter­mi­ne the ori­gin of cir­cu­la­ted materials?

KOMA MODU­LAR plans to move bey­ond the con­cept of the reu­se of pre­vi­ous­ly used modu­les. The company’s ambi­ti­on in the near futu­re is to achie­ve com­ple­te adhe­ren­ce to the prin­ci­ples of a cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. To achie­ve this goal, KOMA has been wor­king on a cir­cu­lar stra­te­gy for modu­lar con­structi­on. Within our deve­lo­p­ment cen­t­re, we plan to test all pha­ses of pro­ducti­on for CO2 emis­si­ons and was­te tre­at­ment. We also hope that this will encou­rage our sup­pliers to engage in our cir­cu­lar eco­no­my with us.

The next big step is our KOMA cir­cu­lar design, in which all structu­res are designed in such a way that all com­po­nents and mate­ri­als used can be reu­sed in other new buil­dings. These are our ambi­ti­ons for the coming years.

Are you inte­res­ted in visi­ting our pro­ducti­on faci­li­ty? Wri­te us!

Consult with us

Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110