Reti­re­ment Homes

Ever incre­a­sing life expectan­cies toge­ther with the decre­a­sing demand for mul­ti-gene­rati­o­nal housing and, also, heal­th issu­es con­fron­ting the elder­ly – these are some of the for­ces that lead to new demand in enhan­cing and con­structing reti­re­ment home faci­li­ties. The modu­lar-buil­dup con­cept offers a quick and effecti­ve solu­ti­on to both com­pact reti­re­ment homes and hou­ses for indi­vi­du­al dwel­lings in sepa­ra­te small-spa­ce flats. Modu­les also fea­tu­re the opti­on of sepa­ra­te whe­el­chair acces­si­ble dwel­lings for acti­ve seni­ors. And more­o­ver, the modu­lar archi­tectu­re is beautiful.

Studie bydlení pro seniory

Umístění stavby: nic
Datum realizace: nic
Délka realizace: nic
Podlahová plocha: nic
Make an inquiry Technical sheet

Související reference

2020 |
Linking Section among Retirement Homes in Vsetín
2005 |
Retirement home
2003 |
Rest home in Redoute

Modul is not a container

Our certificates

Gentleman´s Com­pa­ny
Red Dot Award
ISO 14001:2015
ETA 150119
ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110