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VIP Luxury Sanitary Modules

These luxurious modular spaces combine exclusive sanitary equipment with designer accessories and high-quality materials. Thanks to our expertise and attention to detail, we have offered our long-standing customer an aesthetic and functional space at the highest level.

Classification:Sanitary modules
Year of implementation:2023
Country of implementation:Poland
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 10
Area: 180 m2
Product series: StandardLine

The modu­les are equip­ped with an exclusi­ve sani­ta­ry par­ti­ti­on sys­tem, sani­ta­ry fur­ni­tu­re from Schä­fer com­pa­ny, bran­ded sani­ta­ry cera­mics, fur­ni­tu­re and acces­so­ries, design point lights com­bi­ned with LED strips, mul­tis­plit air con­di­ti­o­ning units, and air fresheners.

We made the walls from design panels of a Norwegi­an manu­factu­rer. The cei­ling is con­struc­ted as suspen­ded, and the flo­or was fit­ted with lar­ge-for­mat tiles. We designed the faca­de from lar­ge-for­mat slats, and the fil­lings are alu­mi­num. The ple­a­sant atmosphe­re of the modu­lar spa­ce is accen­tua­ted by music from built-in speakers.

Thanks to our pro­fes­si­o­nal appro­ach and atten­ti­on to detail, we have cre­a­ted a spa­ce that com­bi­nes functi­o­na­li­ty with aesthe­tics at the highest level.

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