The Czech Repub­lic was the First EXPO Par­ti­ci­pant to Return its Vaca­ted Land to the Organisers

26. 01. 2016 | News

KOMA achie­ved ano­ther first in con­necti­on with its par­ti­ci­pati­on at EXPO 2015 in the Ita­li­an city of Milan. It was the first to return its pie­ce of land, on which the Czech pavi­li­on was still stan­ding in ear­ly Novem­ber, to the orga­ni­sers. The Czech Repub­lic was the very first of a total of fif­ty-five coun­tries which had built the­ir own pavi­li­ons to do so!

After the exhi­bi­ti­on came to a clo­se, KOMA dismant­led the buil­ding and trans­por­ted its indi­vi­du­al modu­les back to Vizo­vi­ce, whe­re they will be trans­for­med into a modu­lar archi­tectu­re cen­t­re by the end of 2016. The ground flo­or of the pavi­li­on will be used as an exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce and the upper flo­ors will make up KOMA­’s admi­nis­tra­ti­ve cen­t­re. KOMA is alrea­dy pre­pa­ring a rich pro­gra­m­me for the Modu­lar Archi­tectu­re Cen­t­re for 2017, which will con­sist of lectu­res, con­fe­ren­ces, exhi­bi­ti­ons and tra­i­ning. The modu­lar pavi­li­on will the­re­fo­re ser­ve to incre­a­se the popu­la­ri­ty of modu­lar archi­tectu­re, who­se main advan­tage is its ease of por­ta­bi­li­ty. The Czech modu­lar pavi­li­on is the­re­fo­re also envi­ron­men­tally fri­en­dly as unli­ke other pavi­li­ons, the Czech pavi­li­on pro­du­ces vir­tu­ally no waste.

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