KOMA Sup­ports the Book, Leta­dlem kolem svě­ta“ („Around the World by Plane“)

24. 09. 2015 | News

KOMA has long been com­mit­ted to the Baťa lega­cy that chan­ged the face of the Zlín regi­on. This is one of the rea­sons why it has deci­ded to sup­port the pub­li­cati­on of the book Leta­dlem kolem svě­ta (Around the World by Pla­ne). The newly pub­lished book is a sup­ple­ment to J. A. Baťa­’s book Za obcho­dem kolem svě­ta (In Search of Tra­de Around the World)“, which KOMA also supported.

Between 6 Janu­a­ry and 1 May 1937, industri­a­list Jan Anto­nín Baťa and his crew took a Loc­khe­ed Elect­ra air­craft on a major round-the-world busi­ness trip. The aero­pla­ne tra­velled appro­xi­ma­te­ly 34,200 km. The book is a transcript of mecha­nic Josef Eng­liš’s fli­ght log and expe­di­ti­on doc­tor Wal­ter Rech­t’s ficti­o­nal medi­cal log.„The pub­li­cati­on shows not only the busi­ness aspects of the trip, the per­so­na­li­ty of Jan A. Baťa, and pro­fi­les of crew mem­bers, but it also docu­ments this unique feat by Cze­cho­slo­vak avi­ati­on, because, after all, it was with the Baťa Group that com­mer­cial avi­ati­on began to deve­lop,“ expla­ins KOMA­’s mar­ke­ting direc­tor Mar­tin Hart on the­ir rea­sons for sup­por­ting the book.

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