Plzeň as the Euro­pe­an Capi­tal of Cul­tu­re and KOMA CITY modu­le K světu‘

17. 01. 2015 | News

The K svě­tu‘ civil asso­ci­ati­on pro­mo­ted modu­lar archi­tectu­re in our CITY modu­le on the occasi­on of the ope­ning gala of Plzeň as the Euro­pe­an Capi­tal of Cul­tu­re. The asso­ci­ati­on pre­sen­ted its ongo­ing pro­jects such as PeCha­Ku­Cha‘, Koloběž­ky‘ (Sco­o­ters) and Náplav­ka‘ (Embankment), and plan­ned pro­jects such as the fes­ti­val of modu­lar archi­tectu­re, whe­re KOMA and K svě­tu will coo­pe­ra­te in deve­lo­ping two or three per­ma­nent modu­lar structu­re pro­jects. The unusu­al sha­pe of the CITY modu­le fit per­fect­ly with the pro­ject, showing the poten­tial of reju­ve­na­ting urban dis­t­ricts using means other than unsi­ght­ly ship­ping con­ta­i­ners. Once aga­in, KOMA demon­stra­ted that high-qua­li­ty small modu­lar archi­tectu­re has the poten­tial to enli­ven and make urban spa­ce special.