Primary School in Hagenbach - KOMA MODULAR (en)
Hagenbach 01
Hagenbach 01
Hagenbach 02
Hagenbach 07
Hagenbach 09
Hagenbach 10
Hagenbach 14
Hagenbach 15

7 photos

Primary School in Hagenbach

Neighbouring Germany is the largest buyer of our modules, as evidenced by the further implementation of a modular assembly for the Primary School in Hagenbach.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2023
Client:Al Con
Country of implementation:Germany
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 3 weeks
Number of modules: 24
Area: 420 m2
Sales model:Sale

This buil­ding con­sists of 24 modu­les with a total effecti­ve area of 420 m² and we managed to assem­ble it on site in 3 weeks. We quick­ly sol­ved the pro­blem of insu­f­fi­ci­ent capa­ci­ty of exis­ting scho­ol pre­mi­ses, and the­re­fo­re modu­la­ri­ty is the best tool not only for com­pa­nies but also for the pub­lic sector.

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