KOMA sup­ports pro­fes­si­o­nal dis­cus­si­on on architecture

09. 06. 2016 | News

The city of Zlín wel­co­med the thi­rd dis­cus­si­on eve­ning of Czech archi­tects in the Archi­tek­ti CZ series, which is a con­ti­nuati­on of the book of the same name com­posed of twen­ty Archi­tek­ti CZ inter­views. The panel dis­cus­si­on was held on 11 April 2016 at the Baťa Insti­tu­te in Zlín. Given the his­to­ry of the regi­on, the main topic was the tra­di­ti­on of pre­fab­ri­cati­on as a possi­ble tool of archi­tectu­re. KOMA was a gene­ral part­ner for this very reason.

The pac­ked foyer of the 14ǀ15 Com­plex could look for­ward to the six archi­tects who accep­ted invi­tati­ons to the dis­cus­si­on, inclu­ding archi­tect and actor David Váv­ra, the well-known church archi­tect Marek Ště­pán and Sva­to­pluk Slá­de­ček, cele­bra­ted for his ori­gi­nal hou­ses. Also par­ti­ci­pa­ting were Jit­ka Res­so­vá from the Elle­ment stu­dio in Zlín, archi­tect Kamil Mrva from Kopřiv­ni­ce and Ondřej Chy­bík, one of the co-designers of the Czech Pavi­li­on at last year’s EXPO.

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