Koby Cot­tage in Albi­on, Michigan

01. 01. 2014 | Examples of international modular projects

The hou­se designed by the Bro­ok­lyn archi­tectu­ral stu­dio Garri­son Archi­tects is used for tem­po­ra­ry accom­mo­dati­on of parents visi­ting the­ir chil­dren in the resi­den­tial scho­ol in Albi­on, Michi­gan. The con­structi­on of the modu­lar hou­se first used the Kull­man Fra­me Sys­tem, an extre­me­ly strong and effecti­ve modu­lar sys­tem of a spa­tial fra­me con­sis­ting of hollow ste­el pipes and lar­ge ste­el beams.

Koby Cot­tage is a pro­to­ty­pe structu­re repre­sen­ting a sys­tem for con­structi­on of mul­ti-sto­rey modu­lar hou­ses: Its ste­el spa­tial fra­me possesses the unique abi­li­ty to sup­port twel­ve sto­reys by its paten­ted joi­ning system.

The hou­se con­sists of two bedro­oms, two bathro­oms, a kit­chen and a dining room with a living room in one, loca­ted in the con­necti­on of two modu­les. The con­necti­on of modu­les in the living room is repre­sen­ted by a gla­zed roof and walls, thus being the ligh­test room in the hou­se. Thanks to the use of the whi­te colour and light-colou­red tim­ber the hou­se lea­ves an impres­si­on of fre­sh­ness and bright­ness. The roof of one of the modu­les inclu­des a woo­den terra­ce over­lo­o­king a lake.

The hou­se assem­bly, which took 48 hours, can be seen here.

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