First con­ta­i­ner scho­ol in Slovakia

09. 12. 2012 | News

Our sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA SLO­VA­KIA built the first con­ta­i­ner scho­ol in Slo­va­kia. We are hap­py that the local repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in Slo­va­kia under­stand the advan­tages of modu­lar buil­dings. The extensi­on of the kin­der­gar­ten in Luži­an­ky for one class hel­ped to sol­ve the pro­blem with accom­mo­da­ting twen­ty five chil­dren; and twen­ty five fami­lies in Luži­an­ky could relax, as the­ir pro­blem was sol­ved. For the con­structi­on of the extensi­on the town coun­cillors cho­se the Stan­dard Line eco­no­mic ver­si­on with a higher inner hei­ght of 3,000 mm and the inner facing made of Fer­ma­cel plas­ter fib­re pla­tes with pain­ted walls. The small town of Luži­an­ky has beco­me attracti­ve for peo­ple over the past few years as they could buy land at favou­ra­ble pri­ces here, which caused an incre­a­se in the num­ber of young fami­lies and, as a result, an incre­a­sed num­ber of peo­ple who would like to pla­ce the­ir chil­dren in the kin­der­gar­ten. We paid spe­cial atten­ti­on to flo­or insu­lati­on so that the chil­dren, who usu­ally play on the flo­or, do not feel cold. The deci­si­ve fac­tor for the con­structi­on of this con­ta­i­ner scho­ol was the spe­ed with which we could sol­ve the pro­blem. The pro­ducti­on took 3 weeks and the assem­bly was finished in two days.