The first low-ener­gy modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten in the Czech Repub­lic to be built in Otro­ko­vi­ce near Zlín

30. 05. 2013 | News

Just seve­ral years ago, it was vir­tu­ally unthin­kable for modu­lar sys­tems to be used in con­structi­on of scho­ol estab­lishments in the Czech Repub­lic as wide­ly as abroad. KOMA Modu­lar was the first to popu­la­ri­se modu­lar kin­der­gar­tens and scho­ols in the Czech Repub­lic and the first one to actu­ally build a modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten in the Czech Repub­lic. Today, the modu­lar sys­tem is a fai­r­ly com­mon method of con­structi­on. For the same rea­son, our com­pa­ny came up with ano­ther pri­ma­cy as it was the first com­pa­ny to pro­du­ce and build a low-ener­gy modu­lar kindergarten. 

The cor­po­ra­te kin­der­gar­ten for Lapp Kabel is going to be built with the Com­fort­Li­ne modu­les, which KOMA inven­ted main­ly in respon­se to the soci­e­ty-wide demand for eco­lo­gi­cal con­structi­on. In this case, lar­ge-for­mat Com­fort­Li­ne modu­les will be manu­factu­red sub­ject to the low-ener­gy stan­dard, the buil­ding will be fit­ted with pho­to­vol­taic panels and KOMA will sup­ply the buil­ding along with a chil­dre­n’s pla­yground as the gene­ral con­trac­tor. The­re­fo­re, this is a com­pre­hensi­ve­ly unique pro­ject and we are proud to be able to con­tri­bu­te to it.

  • Fotomontaz
  • Lapp_kabel_pudorys
  • Lapp_perspektiva1