KOMA hel­ps peo­ple affec­ted by floods

30. 06. 2013 | News

During the last mon­th our coun­t­ry was hit by hea­vy rains, which in many cases brou­ght bad flo­ods. In KOMA RENT we have deci­ded to help peo­ple who were affec­ted by these flo­ods, lost the­ir assets or even the roof abo­ve the­ir heads. We have offe­red them to use seve­ral of our live-in containers/modules for free. Among the first villages which asked us for assistan­ce were Čes­ké Kopis­ty, or rather the Tere­zín City Hall, which reques­ted three live-in modu­les for three fami­lies in distress.

The flo­od has retrie­ved alrea­dy, and even thou­gh the village looks intact from a distan­ce you would find the­re satu­ra­ted soils and water­marks left on buil­dings. Destroyed assets or things are wai­ting to be collec­ted and ship­ped to a dump­si­te. Peo­ple are tired from the cle­a­nup ope­rati­ons and they suf­fer from fee­lings of insecu­ri­ty and helplessness.

Our two vehicles can­not easi­ly access the locati­on due to a lack of ope­rati­o­nal spa­ce and due to rai­ny weather but despi­te all this we were able to manage and help the Zik­mun­d’s, the Humlo­vy­’s and the Vrá­no­vy­’s fami­lies We belie­ve that our con­ta­i­ner­s/­li­ve-in modu­les will help them. In the light of com­mer­cial pro­jects, which we need to stay in busi­ness, this small pro­ject looks like nothing but the human gra­ti­tu­de and some­ti­mes even tears of joy are well worth the efforts.