We Offer New Facades

09. 09. 2013 | News

We have equip­ped our manu­factu­ring plant with new CNC machi­nes, allowing us to offer new types of faca­des. Buil­dings based on the prin­ci­ple of modu­lar con­structi­on are main­ly dis­tingu­ished by the fact that most acti­vi­ties are per­for­med still in the manu­factu­ring plant. The inves­tor can then cho­o­se from mul­tiple opti­ons. The final faça­de may be either imple­men­ted on site, in which case the who­le port­fo­lio of faça­de sys­tems avai­la­ble on the mar­ket can be used, or the modu­les may be pro­vi­ded with the­ir faça­de still in the manu­factu­ring plant. In the lat­ter case the modu­le fra­me is visi­ble in the Stan­dard Line faça­de and the faça­de is part of the san­dwich wall. 

KOMA MODU­LAR offers two new types of this faça­de as this year ´s new development. 

The first type is a spe­cial lamel­la faça­de com­bi­ning ver­ti­cal she­et metal lamellas and cement-bon­ded chi­p­bo­ard. This faça­de main­ta­ins the visu­al appea­ran­ce of modu­la­ri­ty. The lamel­la sys­tem of ste­el zinc-coa­ted metal she­ets is manu­factu­red by new plant equi­p­ment whe­re pre­pa­rati­on of unfol­ded sha­pes is per­for­med with the help of a cut­ting machi­ne. For accu­ra­te machi­ne pro­gra­m­ming each lamel­la type is first com­pu­ter-modelled in 3D CATIA SW. Manu­factu­re and assem­bly of this faça­de sys­tem is per­for­med as a sin­gle pro­cess in the manu­factu­ring hall. 

The second type intro­du­ces to the faça­de sys­tem port­fo­lio exte­ri­or plas­tic planks by Deceu­ninck. The plas­tic planks by Deceu­ninck are colou­red planks with a visi­ble gro­o­ve for use in faça­de clad­ding. Our con­structi­on depart­ment has in addi­ti­on designed fixati­on of this faça­de in a way appli­ca­ble on the modu­le walls right in the manu­factu­ring plant. This faça­de was first used for the walls of the modu­lar scho­ol in the Bel­gi­an town De Klin­ge, descri­bed elsewhere.

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