Ele­gant Extensi­on of the Abso­lu­tum Hotel in Prague

13. 06. 2014 | News

The manage­ment of the Abso­lu­tum Hotel deci­ded to incre­a­se the attracti­ve­ness of the buil­ding with a modern con­fe­ren­ce hall for 60 peo­ple with sta­te-of-the-art audi­o­vi­su­al equi­p­ment and a mobi­le sound barrier. However, the hotel managers did not know that the plot were the extensi­on was designed was over a met­ro line bur­de­ned with a con­structi­on ban. 

That is why they began to look for an ide­al alter­na­ti­ve to meet the aesthe­tic as well as tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments of archi­tect Krč­márik. The solu­ti­on was com­mis­si­o­ned from the com­mer­cial and tech­ni­cal depart­ment of KOMA, which imple­men­ted the con­structi­on. A modu­lar appro­ach was in fact the only feasi­ble solu­ti­on, sin­ce the extensi­on flo­or inclu­des access to the met­ro shaft and in case of any fun­da­men­tal pro­blem, the structu­re may be dismant­led in one day to pro­vi­de unli­mi­ted access to the met­ro. Only thanks to the modu­lar method did Pra­gue City Hall per­mit the con­structi­on”, expla­ins Karel Kolín­ský, head of the com­mer­cial depart­ment of KOMA for the Czech Repub­lic. We are proud of the fact that modu­lar KOMA con­structi­on is able to react to any problem.

  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 6
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 7
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 9
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 5
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 8
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 4
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 3
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 10
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 2
  • Hotel absolutum mdoular construction 1