Modu­lar Con­ta­i­ner Café in Brno on Men­del Square

27. 08. 2018 | News

Peo­ple may now enjoy a rela­xing cof­fee on busy Men­del Squa­re in Brno or sit in a park for a while.

Peo­ple may now enjoy a rela­xing cof­fee on busy Men­del Squa­re in Brno or sit in a park for a whi­le. A newly adap­ted spa­ce was ope­ned for them between Výstav­ní and Veletrž­ní streets. The­re are new banks, street lighting, a grass plot and a modern pub­lic tran­sit stop. The new faci­li­ties com­pri­se an up-to-date con­ta­i­ner café and pub­lic toi­lets, which had been noti­ce­a­bly absent from this pla­ce. The modu­lar objects were pro­vi­ded by our com­pa­ny, KOMA MODU­LAR. The both buil­dings are open Mon­day to Fri­day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Satur­da­ys and Sun­da­ys from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The toi­lets are barrier-free and can be acces­sed with free tokens obta­i­ned from café personnel.

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