Modu­lar Auxi­li­a­ry Rooms for Monínec

15. 07. 2019 | News

The modu­lar structu­res also mani­fest the­ir advan­tages as auxi­li­a­ry rooms for vari­ous spor­ting acti­vi­ties. This time we erec­ted a modu­lar com­plex in the Moni­nec Spor­ting Park for the TRI­GE­MA com­pa­ny. The com­plex ser­ves as a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for ski out­fit­ting and ski scho­ols in win­ter; in sum­mer it ser­ves for vari­ous out­do­or acti­vi­ties inclu­ding a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for bikes and scooters.

The modu­lar structu­res also mani­fest the­ir advan­tages as auxi­li­a­ry rooms for vari­ous spor­ting acti­vi­ties. This time we erec­ted a modu­lar com­plex in the Moni­nec Spor­ting Park for the TRI­GE­MA com­pa­ny. The com­plex ser­ves as a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for ski out­fit­ting and ski scho­ols in win­ter; in sum­mer it ser­ves for vari­ous out­do­or acti­vi­ties inclu­ding a ren­tal ser­vi­ce for bikes and scooters.

Moní­nec is situa­ted in the heart of Czech Sibe­ria and the com­bi­nati­on of its cli­ma­te, the north-facing hill­si­de, and its alti­tu­de abo­ve sea level makes Moni­nec a unique natu­ral gla­cier. Seve­ral dow­nhill runs for skiers and snow­bo­ar­ders are here at your dis­po­sal. You can be bou­ght up to the peak in a four-seat cable lift. The ski scho­ol offers instructi­on for adults and chil­dren in two ski parks. The spor­ting park is equip­ped with the most up-to-date arti­fi­cial snow machi­nes ena­b­ling snow pro­ducti­on at tem­pe­ra­tu­res abo­ve fre­e­zing. Moní­nec is, the­re­fo­re, an ide­al pla­ce for skiing not far from Pra­gue. Of cour­se, the faci­li­ties are com­ple­te­ly equip­ped for win­ter sports with ren­tal and ski ser­vi­ces. Thanks to the sta­te-of-the-art arti­fi­cial snow machi­nes, the local hill is ide­al for skiing even at times when cyc­ling sea­son is well under way in other locati­ons. In addi­ti­on to dow­nhill skiing, you can find other win­ter attracti­ons here inclu­ding snow tubing, sled­ding, and bob­sled­ding. In the Moni­nec surroun­dings the­re are rou­gh­ly 54 kilo­me­ters of well-kept and regu­lar­ly main­ta­i­ned cross-coun­t­ry trails.

In sum­mer, park visi­tors can enjoy a lar­ge num­ber of biking trails in the area as well as enter­ta­in­ment attracti­ons within the park. The­re is a bike park with seve­ral trails sui­table both for expe­ri­en­ced bikers and also for begin­ners and chil­dren among other attracti­ons. A good time can be had by all with the park’s tram­po­li­nes, tubing faci­li­ties, disc golf, zip lines, moun­ta­in sco­o­ters, ten­nis, volley­ball, and other acti­vi­ties. Only a few minu­tes’ walk from the bot­tom cable lift stati­on you can make use of Pil­ský Pond, a natu­ral swi­m­ming hole. For sum­mer­ti­me refre­shment, you can use the out­do­or pool near the Moni­nec Hotel.

The Moní­nec Spor­ting Park can be found at Javo­ro­vá ská­la (Maple Rock) sou­th of Pra­gue on the fron­tier between the Cen­t­ral and Sou­th Bohe­mi­an regi­ons near the town of Sedlec-Prčice.

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