KOMA Builds Modu­lar Coun­cil Hou­se upon Sei­ne in Cen­t­re of Paris

05. 02. 2018 | News

Two years of cha­sing after a French deve­lo­per finally bore fru­it in the form of clo­sing a con­tract for long-term coo­pe­rati­on. Our pro­ducts suc­cess­fully pas­sed the com­pli­ca­ted cer­ti­fi­cati­on pro­cess for the French modu­lar buil­ding mar­ket for per­ma­nent accom­mo­dati­ons. The result is the sup­ply of a modu­lar sub­si­di­zed housing pro­ject. This pro­ject is, in a sen­se, revo­lu­ti­o­na­ry for us; for the first time we sup­plied a four-flo­or structu­re, for the first time we are buil­ding a pla­yground on the buil­ding roof and for the first time the who­le buil­ding is made from modu­les 11 meters long. The com­ple­te buil­ding con­sists of 224 lar­ge-sca­le modu­les. The faca­de is con­struc­ted from a com­bi­nati­on of vari­ous faca­de types, which, toge­ther, cre­a­te an inte­res­ting design impres­si­on. The archi­tects com­bi­ned whi­te poly­car­bo­na­te DAN­PA­LON pla­tes, woo­den heat-tre­a­ted SIL­VERWO­OD flo­or­bo­ards, mul­ti-colou­red ver­ti­cally corru­ga­ted ste­el she­ets with ran­dom ena­mel­ling, and ran­dom corru­ga­ted CADEN­CE ste­el she­ets in ivo­ry colour. The faca­de was cre­a­ted and sup­plied by our sis­ter orga­ni­zati­on, KOMA FACA­DE. Pari­si­an media care­fully moni­to­red the buil­ding con­structi­on. The coun­cil hou­se was chec­ked by the offi­cers from the Paris City Hall just befo­re com­ple­ti­on with the May­or of Paris, Ms. Anne Hidal­go, in char­ge. In Janu­a­ry, the affor­da­ble housing pro­ject was ope­ned for its first occu­pants. All that rema­ins is to put the finishing tou­ches on the rooftop pla­yground and to do the landscaping.

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