EY Busi­nessper­son of the Year in the Zlin Regi­on is Mr.Stanislav Mar­ti­nec, Owner and Gene­ral Manager of KOMA Modular

16. 02. 2018 | News

The EY Busi­nessper­son of the Year in the Zlin Regi­on is Mr.Stanislav Mar­ti­nec, owner of our own KOMA MODU­LAR s.r.o. The results of the regi­o­nal round of the com­pe­ti­ti­on, orga­ni­zed by the EY com­pa­ny, were announ­ced on 13 Decem­ber in Zlín. Our com­pa­ny had pre­vi­ous­ly won com­pe­ti­ti­ons as Inno­va­ti­ve Com­pa­ny of the Zlin Regi­on, The Com­pa­ny of the Year 2015, and also Com­pa­ny of the Zlin Region.

The com­pa­ny builds on Bata’s prin­ci­ples and also, I would add, on prin­ci­ples of the First Repub­lic whe­re a bill of exchan­ge was a bill of exchan­ge and good busi­ness was honest busi­ness. We are here to chan­ge things for the bet­ter,” com­men­ted Mr. Mar­ti­nec after the results were posted.

Our com­pa­ny is the lar­gest manu­factu­rer of modu­lar buil­dings the coun­t­ry. Sta­ni­slav Martinec’s modu­les are high­ly sophis­tic modu­les – we use them for con­structi­on throu­ghout Euro­pe as well as over­se­as. We build hotel buil­dings (as an exam­ple, one can be found in the cen­t­re of Paris), pub­lic flats and also showro­oms and offices.

The pavi­li­on repre­sen­ting the Czech Repub­lic at the Expo 2015 World Exhi­bi­ti­on in Milan also rolled off our Walla­chian pro­ducti­on line. This futu­ris­tic modu­lar buil­ding made of whi­te she­et metal hos­ted 2 mil­li­on peo­ple in that time and spar­ked an inter­nati­o­nal respon­se – it also won a medal for architecture.

This appre­ci­ati­on is a sour­ce of joy, pri­de, remi­nis­cen­ce and posi­ti­ve ener­gy as we have been buil­ding our com­pa­ny for 25 years. From the very start we began buil­ding in the spi­rit of Bata and First Repub­lic prin­ci­ples and I am sin­ce­re­ly loo­king for­ward to the next 25 years of growth in the area of modu­lar con­structi­on in the Czech Repub­lic and in Euro­pe”, dec­la­red the win­ner, Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec of KOMA MODU­LAR s.r.o., giving his ini­tial reactions. 

KOMA MODU­LAR is Czech among the firms that have won a pla­ce in the mar­ket at home as well as on the glo­bal stage with qua­li­ty pro­ducts. I am glad that such com­pa­nies are based in the Zlín Regi­on”, added Mr. Jiří Čunek, Pre­si­dent of the Zlín Region.

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