KOMA SLO­VA­KIA Honou­red with Pres­ti­gi­ous Slo­vak Busi­ness Super­brands Award 2018

01. 03. 2018 | News

An expert sym­posi­um of the Brand Coun­cil has bes­towed the 2018 Slo­vak Busi­ness Super­brands Award for the best brands in the B2B seg­ment on the Slo­va­ki­an mar­ket. Our sis­ter com­pa­ny, KOMA SLO­VA­KIA, has been newly ran­ked among the eli­te brands with a Super­brands qua­li­ty seal. Congratulations!

An expert sym­posi­um of the Brand Coun­cil, a Slo­vak Super­brands Pro­gra­m­me, honou­red KOMA SLO­VA­KIA with the 2018 Slo­vak Busi­ness Super­brands Award. KOMA SLO­VA­KIA has ran­ked among the eli­te brands repre­sen­ting an exam­ple of suc­cess­ful deve­lo­p­ment and a con­ti­nu­ous incre­a­se in the brand value. This award is con­fir­mati­on of qua­li­ty and encou­rage­ment for all our cus­to­mers in the­ir dai­ly deci­si­ons. A group of experts from the Busi­ness Brand Coun­cil deci­des on the Super­brands Award on the basis of infor­mati­on sub­mit­ted by the renow­ned BIS­NO­DE com­pa­ny. The mem­bers of the Busi­ness Brand Coun­cil are respec­ted experts in the field of mar­ke­ting, com­mu­ni­cati­on and advertising.

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