Co working centre in Brunoy 4
Co working centre in Brunoy 2
Co working centre in Brunoy 3
Co working centre in Brunoy 6
Co working centre in Brunoy 5
Co working centre in Brunoy 1

5 photos

Administrative Modular Building with Co-working Offices in the Outskirts of Paris

Administrative Modular Building with Co-working Offices in the Outskirts of Paris.

Classification:Administrative Buildings / Offices
Year of implementation:2020
Client:Serie Flex
Country of implementation:France
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 1 month
Length of manufacture: 3 weeks
Number of modules: 49
Area: 1300 m2
Sales model:Sale

In Novem­ber 2019, we com­ple­ted ano­ther structu­re in Paris. This time we sup­plied a three-flo­or buil­ding assem­bled from 49 modu­les loca­ted in a suburb in the sou­the­ast of Paris towards Bru­noy. The buil­ding is situa­ted in the cen­t­re of the suburb at a tra­in stati­on; it con­ta­ins 12 co-wor­king offi­ces. We sup­plied this structu­re toge­ther with our part­ner, Serie Flex, for a deve­lo­per, Hoche Part­ners Group. The ope­ra­tor will be Regus, who manage offi­ce rooms all over the world. Due to the traf­fic con­ges­ti­on in the cen­t­re of Paris and the resul­ting poor acces­si­bi­li­ty, these admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­dings with co-wor­king offi­ces have been erec­ted in the out­skirts of Paris and are lin­ked to the pub­lic trans­port. The buil­ding has excellent acous­tic pro­per­ties, and anti-vib­rati­on insu­la­ting bea­ring pla­tes ensu­re impec­ca­ble user com­fort. The gre­en roof and excellent ther­mal insu­lati­on pro­per­ties also con­tri­bu­te to occu­pants’ comfort.

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