Vin­cent Calle­baut – modu­lar housing com­plex in Haiti

01. 01. 2011 | Examples of international modular projects

Hai­ti was one from the most visi­ted coun­tries in the world. After devasta­ting earthqua­ke of a power 7.0 Rich­ter sca­le in 2010, world arch­ti­tects have been thin­king about rebu­il­ding this coun­t­ry. The inno­va­ti­ve urba­nis­tic-archi­tectu­ral stu­dy of rebu­il­ding Hai­ty is usisng a modu­lar construction.

Mr. Vin­cent Calle­baut, an archi­tekt, has designed inde­pen­dent willages made of pre­fab­ri­ca­ted modu­les for moving victims of simi­li­ras huma­ni­ta­ri­an disas­tes. The basic dwel­ling modul is made of two pas­si­ve hou­ses (metal con­structi­on and tro­pic wood faca­de are used). The who­le expres­si­on of dwel­ling sys­tem imi­ta­tes a coral reef.

The who­le dwel­ling object is made of two parts, in which can be accom­mo­da­ted up to a thou­sand fami­lies. These two parts are loca­ted next the water on arti­fi­cal mole, which is built up on earthqua­ke-pro­of piles in the Cari­bi­an Sea. Dwel­ling kom­plex made of spa­cial modu­les is waving from con­ca­ve to con­vex cur­ve. Between these two parts is cre­a­ted an luxu­ri­ous inte­ri­or, a cany­on with terra­ces and cas­ca­des with gar­dens for growing some vege­table. The each wall of dwel­ling modu­les is so beco­ming a gar­den, whe­re can occu­pier of the hou­se grow the­ir own products.

The pro­ject is designed as eco­lo­gi­cal and inte­gra­tes all bioc­li­ma­tics sys­tems, inclu­ding ener­gy of renewa­ble resour­ces. The modu­lar con­structi­on so argu­es effi­ci­ency and appli­ca­bi­li­ty of susta­i­na­ble resources.

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