Rotor Hou­se

01. 01. 2013 | Examples of international modular projects

Lui­gi colani

Modu­lar con­structi­on inte­res­ted also a design icon Mr Lui­gi Colo­ni. He is a sculp­tor, pain­ter, fli­ght engi­neer, tech­ni­cal designer and city plan­ner by occu­pati­on, but aero­dy­na­mi­cists, 3-D and form phi­lo­so­pher from pas­si­on. He wor­ked for Alpha Romeo, Lan­cia, VW and BMW, but also for Sony, Yama­ha, Sei­ko, Hita­chi, Nisan and NASA. He is current­ly pro­fes­sor at the Tong-ji Uni­ver­si­ty, in Shan­ghai. Lui­gi Colo­ni got a lot of pri­zes for design wor­lwi­de. Lui­gi Colo­ni thinks radi­cally towards the futu­re maxi­mum living area with mini­mum outer dimensi­ons was his aim. The cen­t­ral idea behind his hou­se is a tur­ning rotor which incor­po­ra­tes the functi­o­nal are­as sle­e­ping, coo­king’ and taking a bath’. Tthe requi­red area is tur­ned to the respecti­ve one and the same room and cre­a­tes gene­rous dimensi­ons unheard of until today on the smallest of spa­ce with a spa­ce requi­re­ment of only 6 x 6 m.

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