New York Turns to Modu­lar Con­structi­on to Sol­ve Housing Needs

01. 01. 2014 | Examples of international modular projects

May­or Micha­el Blo­om­berg recent­ly announ­ced an inno­va­ti­ve modu­lar pro­ject for Manhat­tan. The win­ning pro­ject came from the deve­lo­p­ment team of the manu­factu­rer Capsys Cor­po­rati­on, nAr­chi­tects and the deve­lo­per Monad­nock Deve­lo­p­ment LLC.

May­or Blo­om­berg prai­sed modu­lar con­structi­on, say­ing: Modu­lar con­structi­on… is fas­ter, less expensi­ve, allows for high levels of qua­li­ty con­t­rol and sig­ni­fi­cant­ly redu­ces was­te and truck traf­fic. It is also safer for wor­kers as con­structi­on is done insi­de in con­t­rolled environments.“

The modu­lar apart­ment buil­ding is com­pri­sed of micro apart­ments that help the city resol­ve incre­a­sed demand for micro apart­ments for one per­son or for a couple without chil­dren. You can learn more about the projecthere.

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