At the start of the year, KOMA high­li­ghts its eco­lo­gi­cal production

07. 01. 2014 | News

Modu­lar con­structi­on and archi­tectu­re is not only a mis­si­on for KOMA; it is also a method for expan­ding eco­lo­gi­cal con­structi­on. KOMA itself thus ser­ves as an exam­ple by intro­du­cing modern eco­lo­gi­cal methods in pro­ducti­on. But this is not all. The com­pa­ny offers con­structi­on of low-ener­gy hou­ses and even imple­ments such buil­dings on its own compound.

Con­sequent­ly, the new buil­ding with a dining hall and the employee ame­ni­ties incor­po­ra­tes solar collec­tors for hea­ting water and a tank for collecting rainwa­ter used to flush toi­lets. KOMA has installed a pho­to­vol­taic power stati­on with an out­put of 2×20 kW on the roof of the pro­ducti­on hall, making it possi­ble to pro­du­ce one-thi­rd of the elect­ri­ci­ty we consume.

KOMA is sim­ply ecological.

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