Archi­tectu­ral and con­structi­o­nal days in Olomouc

04. 11. 2007 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON com­pa­ny pre­sen­ted the possi­bi­li­ties of modu­lar con­structi­on at the Archi­tectu­ral and Con­structi­o­nal Days in Olo­mouc from Novem­ber 1st - 3rd2007

The Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor of KOMA pre­sen­ted his spe­ech MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON at this event. Also, the pub­li­cati­on of the results of the 1st year of the con­test for the stu­dents of archi­tectu­re and con­structi­on, with the topic POSSI­BI­LI­TIES OF USAGE OF MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON“, took pla­ce during this event.

Olo­mouc is a city with a well pre­ser­ved archi­tectu­ral heri­tage and fast deve­lo­ping new fab­ri­cati­on. The goal of the orga­ni­zers is to cre­a­te a mul­ti-topic event, lea­ding to pro­mo­ti­on and popu­la­ri­zati­on of the archi­tectu­re, con­structi­on and design industries.