Social buil­ding in Nit­ra (Slo­va­kia)

15. 06. 2009 | News

At the end of year 2008, KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON pro­du­ced and assem­bled a social buil­ding for Nit­ra coun­cil, who­se busi­ness part­ner is the affi­li­a­te orga­ni­sati­on KOMA SLO­VA­KIA. The social buil­ding con­ta­ins of 26 flats, each with 2 rooms, kit­chen and toi­let. Hea­ting is designed using solid fuels. In this way, Nit­ra coun­cil sol­ved the issue of accom­mo­dati­on for soci­ally non-con­for­ming and pro­ble­ma­tic citizens.