Logo is growing up with company

25. 11. 2010 | News

Infor­mati­on about the upco­ming logo change.

The logo should repre­sent the company´s mis­si­on and should deve­lop ali­ke the com­pa­ny deve­lo­p­ment. Our com­pa­ny is going to chan­ge logo and use a new logo from the new year. Pre­sent­ly, the logo KOMA is used by the parent com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON, and also by two sis­ter com­pa­nies KOMA RENT and KOMA SLO­VA­KIA. In year 1992 was our logo designed by the sculp­tor Mr. Boris Kožu­cha­rov. In the ori­gi­nal logo, the­re were three colors - black, dark gre­en and light gre­en. Logo expres­sed a pro­duct - con­ta­i­ner - and three let­ters V (writ­ten bot­tom up) insi­de the rectan­gle repre­sen­ted the fact that the assem­bles of these con­ta­i­ners can be built up in three flo­ors. Bot­tom up let­ters V insi­de the rectan­gle also asso­ci­a­ted the let­ter K, as the ini­ti­als of our com­pa­ny. In 1998 was the logo sim­pli­fied, only two gre­en colors were left and befo­re that the name KOMA was adjus­ted. This logo had been used by the year 2006, and in this time a red sque­re was added to the logo. The red sque­re expres­sed the heart and life, because the sta­ff stand behind all of our busi­ness. The logo chan­ge by adding the red squa­re was made by son of the ori­gi­nal cre­a­tor Mgr. Mar­tin Kožu­cha­rov. The red color asso­ci­a­tes an inte­rest and so we belie­ve, that it asso­ci­a­te an inte­rest to buy.

All the time, the main moti­ve was a rectan­gle, expres­sing a con­ta­i­ner with three botom up let­ters V insi­de, showing the stac­king. Our com­pa­ny pro­du­ces the stan­dard dwel­ling con­ta­i­ners in pro­duct line Stan­dar­d­Li­ne, which are three stac­kable con­ta­i­ners, as well as other pro­duct lines, such as eco­no­mic non-stac­kable modu­le Eco­no­mic­Li­ne, which is assem­bled from the ele­ments without using a cra­ne, but also a pro­duct line Com­fort­Li­ne, whe­re we can meet the requi­re­ments of low-ener­gy buil­dings and build up more than three floors.

The current logo design, which is also made by M. Kožu­cha­rov, con­ta­ins two colors - red (con­cre­te peo­ple stand behind the con­cre­te pro­ducts) and light gre­en. We bei­le­ve that for the most peo­ple is the acti­vi­ty in our com­pa­ny in addi­ti­on to rai­sing funds for sub­si­s­ten­ce and hearth think. The second color - light gre­en color express our posi­ti­ve relati­on­ship with the envi­ron­ment in both the manu­factu­ring pro­cess itself, so we save the envi­ron­ment and our pro­ducts are com­ple­te­ly recyc­la­ble, and so modu­lar con­structi­on mini­mi­ze the bur­den on surroun­ding buil­dings. Squa­re expres­ses the modu­lar con­structi­on. The logo has a modern look with an emphasis on design, which we assert in our pro­ducts, in wor­king with archi­tects and orga­ni­sing the archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­ons and semi­nars with the the­me of modu­lar con­structi­on. We belie­ve that the new logo is an expres­si­on of qua­li­ty and reli­a­bi­li­ty, as you have been used in touch with our company.

  • KOMA_NEW_2011
  • KOMA_OLD_2006
  • KOMA_OLD_1998
  • KOMA_OLD_1994
  • KOMA_OLD_1992