Research pro­gra­m­me

29. 10. 2011 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON toge­ther with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Defen­ce enro­led in Alpha Pro­gra­m­me, announ­ced by the Tech­no­lo­gy Agen­cy of the Czech Repub­lic. It is a pub­lic ten­der in research, deve­lo­p­ment and inno­vati­on for the Pro­gram to sup­port applied research and expe­ri­men­tal deve­lo­p­ment of ALFA

The ALFA Pro­gra­m­me con­cen­t­ra­tes aims to sup­port applied research and expe­ri­men­tal deve­lo­p­ment espe­ci­ally in the field of advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies, mate­ri­als and sys­tems, ener­gy resour­ces and the pro­tecti­on and cre­ati­on of the envi­ron­ment and susta­i­na­ble deve­lo­p­ment in trans­port. Acqui­red knowled­ge, applied in the form of inno­vati­on will lead to stren­gthe­ning the per­for­man­ce of busi­nesses, growth of com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of eco­no­my and soci­e­ty of the Czech Repub­lic. The qua­li­ty of life and ove­rallqua­li­ty of the envi­ron­ment will increase.

ALFA Pro­gra­m­me is divi­ded into three subprograms:1. Advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies, mate­ri­als and systems2. Ener­gy resour­ces and the pro­tecti­on and cre­ati­on of environmental3. Susta­i­na­ble deve­lo­p­ment of transport