Bank rating was impro­ved for KOMA

28. 07. 2011 | News

The group of KOMA com­pa­nies impro­ved the­ir bank rating also thanks to suc­cess­ful mana­ging of cri­sis years 2009 and 2010. Thus the com­pa­ny is assessed as trouble-free and is recom­men­ded for com­mer­cial ope­rati­ons. Mr Mar­tin Vla­šic, assistant Vice Pre­si­dent, Seni­or Relati­on­ship Manager of Citi­bank Euro­pe plc., adds:

Citi­bank coo­pe­ra­tes with KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON s.r.o. sin­ce 2005. Sin­ce then we went toge­ther throu­gh suc­cess­ful years 2005 -2008, but also a bad peri­od of 2009-2010, when the most of com­pa­nies decre­a­sed the­ir pro­ducti­on and banks redu­ced the­ir cre­dit lines.

This year the cre­dit lines were renewed aga­in without troubles (like eve­ry year) for the next 12 mon­ths, inclu­ding appro­val of long-term invest­ment loan for the new pro­ducti­on hall that is now con­struc­ted in Vizo­vi­ce. At the same time an inter­nal risk rating of the group KOMA was impro­ved and by impli­cati­on a risk mar­gins were redu­ced, ie che­a­per loans, main­ly due to good results the com­pa­ny shown in a time of cri­sis and also in current peri­od of reco­ve­ry from it, the KOMA shows bet­ter-than-ave­rage results in the industry.

Due acti­vi­ties of Citi­bank wor­lwi­de, the Citi­bank manages the bank accounts also to affi­li­a­ted com­pa­nies, inclu­ding cre­dit lines for KOMA Slo­va­kia, KOMA RENT and KOMA Spa­ce GmbH. In case of futher com­pa­ny expan­si­on abroad, the Citi­bank is rea­dy to help KOMA with an account mana­ging in other countries.

In the area of ser­vi­ces for employe­es of KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON s.r.o. the Citi­bank offers, after agre­e­ment with the com­pa­ny manager, free mana­ging of pri­va­te accounts for all employe­es of the com­pa­ny, inclu­ding domes­tic pay­ments, debit orders and also inter­nati­o­nal debit and cre­dit cards

The Citi­bank pro­vi­des its ser­vi­ces to com­pa­nies on the Czech ban­king mar­ket for 20 years, worl­dwi­de for 200 years. On the occasi­on of this anni­ver­sa­ry, we would like to thank KOMA for the past and futu­re coo­pe­rati­on and give Mr Mar­ti­nec appre­ci­ati­on the TOP Busi­ness Part­ner of Citi­bank for excellent mana­ging the group KOMA.

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