Fair SIT­DEF in Peru 2011

15. 05. 2011 | News

In ear­ly May 2001, our direc­tor went to dis­co­ver new mar­kets in Sou­th Ame­ri­ca. The acti­on had been pre­pa­red care­fully and for a log time, nothing was left to chan­ce. Impor­tant peo­ple, not only from Peru, were invi­ted to fair. We were only the Czechs par­ti­ci­pa­ting in fair in this exo­tic indi­an coun­t­ry. Cle­ver­ly thou­ght the pie­ces of pro­ducts attrac­ted visi­tors. Along with our pro­ducts, fol­da­ble con­ta­i­ners C3F and con­ta­i­ners E3E fol­da­ble without the using cra­nes, we offe­red tents from the Czech pro­du­cer, spe­cial sani­ta­ry sys­tems from the Ger­man pro­du­cer and inte­res­ting paer toi­let from the Eng­lish pro­du­cer. The fair was also con­ce­i­ved as a research of inte­rest in pro­ducts that will form the bac­kbo­ne of offers of our fore­ign sis­ter orga­ni­zati­ons in Vien­na KOMA SPA­CE. Regar­ding to reve­a­led inte­rest and hol­ding con­tacts was signed an agre­e­ments on repre­sen­tati­on in the mar­kets of Sou­th Ame­ri­ca. Our par­ti­ci­pati­on has been awar­ded a diplo­ma, which was given by the Pri­me Minis­ter of Peru.

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  • S25C-211060812510