Eva­luati­on of year 2011

15. 03. 2012 | News

From 9.3. to 11.3., our com­pa­ny eava­lua­ted the last year 2011 and deter­mi­ned goals for the year 2012. Medi­um-term busi­ness stra­te­gy for the next three futu­re years was intro­du­ced to empoye­es. SKI hotel in Nové Měs­to in Mora­via was cho­sen for this event. This hotel is situa­ted near the pla­ce, whe­re KOMA recent­ly built sports faci­li­ties. The buil­ding of sports faci­li­ties was the big­gest acti­on for inland tra­de in the past year. Pro­gram of the eva­luati­on is the same for many years. At first was short­ly eva­lua­ted the work of heads of indi­vi­du­al depart­ments them­sel­ves. They infor­med the­ir colle­a­gu­es what was going well and what was not so good. The second day is rese­ved for sport or cul­tu­ral acti­vi­ties. This year we had a cour­se of com­mu­ni­cati­on. The second eve­ning is tra­di­cally dedi­ca­ted to award the pri­zes called Oskar‘ in cate­go­ries Komač­ka“ (the best woman of KOMA), Komák“ (the best man of KOMA), Čin roku“ (for per­son who made some­thing spe­cial during the year), Objev roku“ (is the per­son, who is new at KOMA or is in new pos­si­ti­on or got more popu­lar etc.) and the last pri­ze is Síň slá­vy“ (it is for peo­ple who are the best, they are ussu­ally in KOMA for a long time etc.)

The year 2011 was one of the most suc­cess­ful years. We have finished the fourth stage of plant deve­lo­pm­net with the addi­ti­on buil­ding of the new hall and we bou­ght new machi­nes that make pro­ducti­on easier and we will be ahe­ad of the com­pe­ti­ti­on. We man­ged to open the second full shift and we had to manage a new sta­ff recru­i­ment inclu­ding a new orga­ni­zati­o­nal structu­re. We have star­ted with sophis­ti­ca­ted pro­ducti­on planning.

At the time when cre­dit rating agen­cies dete­ri­o­ra­te a rating of indi­vi­du­al coun­tries, our bank incre­a­se a rating. We kept in plan­ned limits the majo­ri­ty of eco­no­mic indi­ca­tors. Plann of tur­no­ver was ful­filled so we had plan­ned the last year. 

We were suc­ces­full main­ly at fore­ign mar­kets, we dee­pen coo­pe­rati­on with our busi­ness part­ners and we made new con­tacts. We were not so suc­ces­full at inland tra­de as we plan­ned, but we still, com­pa­red with com­pe­ti­tors, do bet­ter turnovers.

In the Research and Deve­lo­pe­ment Depart­ment, designers deve­lo­ped a new sani­ta­ry con­ta­i­ner VIP, blast-resistant con­ta­i­ners, con­cre­te flo­ors, new modu­les for Bene­lux, that are in accor­dan­ce with new stan­dards, and a lot of ano­ther tech­ni­cal solu­ti­ons which brou­ght the market. 

We manage a con­fe­ren­ce on modu­lar con­structi­on in Bra­ti­sla­va in Slo­va­kia, we eva­lua­ted the 5th annu­al of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on and we announ­ced the 6th annu­al of archi­tectu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on, we pro­mo­te our pro­ducts at fairs in Bra­ti­sla­va in Slo­va­kia and in the capi­tal city Lima in Peru.

The points whe­re we were not so suc­ces­full this year we have plan­ned aga­in for this year. And we have also new ambi­ti­ous planns. We hope that poli­ti­cal respon­ses will not be so fatal and we should not dra­ma­ti­cally re-evau­la­te the plans.

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