From 1 Janu­a­ry 2014 we are shor­te­ning the name of our com­pa­ny to KOMA MODULAR

29. 11. 2013 | News

We here­by inform all sup­por­ters and busi­ness part­ners of modu­lar archi­tectu­re and KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON that our com­pa­ny will use its new name KOMA Modu­lar s.r.o. from the New Year´s Day of 2014

The com­pa­ny manage­ment has deci­ded to take this step not because of the gene­ral trend of pure shor­te­ning“, but espe­ci­ally due to the fact that the ori­gi­nal name KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON ser­ved its pur­po­se at the time when the word con­structi­on“ demon­stra­ted the pro­ducti­on focus. At pre­sent the aware­ness of the KOMA Brand has incre­a­sed so much that this last word needn´t be used any lon­ger. The com­pa­ny kee­ps the KOMA Brand in its busi­ness name and is com­ple­ting it with its focus repre­sen­ted by the word Modu­lar“. Thus, in Czech the name of the com­pa­ny may also be under­s­to­od as KOMA being modular“. 

Sin­ce KOMA MODU­LAR is a com­pa­ny which it is very com­for­table to coo­pe­ra­te with, we are also making it easier for all current, poten­tial and futu­re part­ners to pro­noun­ce our name whi­le eve­ry­thing else sta­ys the same, inclu­ding the abo­ve-stan­dard pro­vi­si­on of ser­vi­ces, unique pro­ducts and inno­va­ti­ve activities.