We ran­ked among the TOP 10 Czech busi­nesses in the Zlín Regi­on in the Pikes“ of Czech Busi­ness ran­kings (ŠTI­KY ČES­KÉ­HO BYZNYSU)

04. 11. 2013 | News

The ran­kings were for Czech com­pa­nies with a tur­no­ver of more than EUR 10 mil­li­on and that ful­filled two basic qua­li­fi­cati­on cri­te­ria: In the eva­lua­ted peri­od of three years, they had at least one impor­tant busi­ness achie­ve­ment, and pro­ved the abi­li­ty to ful­fil the­ir obligations.The ran­kings are unique in that (assu­ming the ent­ry cri­te­ria are ful­filled) the size of the com­pa­ny does not play a role, mea­ning that smaller and les­ser-known com­pa­nies can be ran­ked among the lea­ders. The eva­luati­on is not bur­de­ned by indi­vi­du­al selecti­on, but depends only on objecti­ve eco­no­mic indicators.

The main idea of these ran­kings is to show eco­no­mic growth, which at least from our point of view can be seen as heal­thy,“ said Ivan Jak­úbek, direc­tor of Enter­pri­se Inves­tor for the Czech Repub­lic and Slo­va­kia. Most com­pe­ti­ti­ons focus only on reve­nue growth. We, however, want to value tho­se com­pa­nies that in addi­ti­on to growth can also incre­a­se value.“ 

Koma Modu­lar gains cer­ti­fi­cati­on for pla­cing seven­th pla­ce among the top 10 eva­lua­ted firms in the Zlín regi­on in the pres­ti­gi­ous PIKESOF CZECH BUSI­NESS ran­kings (ŠTI­KY ČES­KÉ­HO BYZNYSU).