Herz­lich Will­ko­m­men – Unique Mul­ticul­tu­ral Ini­ti­a­ti­ve on the Move

12. 03. 2014 | News

In 2013 KOMA laun­ched a new type of modu­le named CITY Modu­le because its unique tra­pe­zo­i­dal sha­pe can enli­ven dif­fe­rent types of city spa­ces – at pre­sent in the form of pro­to­ty­pes tried by KOMA on vari­ous occasi­ons. Following the very suc­cess­ful launch in Brno, whe­re the open CITY modu­les (without walls) ser­ved as unique arbours on the grounds of the Governor’s Pala­ce, this time clo­sed pro­to­ty­pes of CITY modu­les were pre­sen­ted in Ost­ra­va in the con­text of the Herz­lich Will­ko­m­men event.

This unique event aims to pre­sent the life of fore­igners to the domes­tic popu­lati­on. The pro­ject takes pla­ce in six coun­tries, whe­re two CITY Modu­les are installed for a couple of days with the inte­ri­or divi­ded into six sepa­ra­te cubicles. In each of the cubicles a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of an ethnic mino­ri­ty expla­ins to the locals what it is like to be a foreigner. 

KOMA is glad to be able to assist the event as a spon­sor by pro­vi­ding two CITY modu­les free of char­ge at the request of the orga­ni­zers; they have not only enli­ve­ned the Euro­pe­an cities but also rai­sed the aware­ness of the local citi­zens. This event also demon­stra­ted the prin­ci­pal advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on: mobi­li­ty and variability.