Will Modu­lar KOMA Structu­res Suc­ce­ed in the Buil­ding of the Year Competition?

07. 03. 2014 | News

The Buil­ding of the Year com­pe­ti­ti­on is a coun­t­ry-wide com­pe­ti­ti­on that aims to high­li­ght the most sig­ni­fi­cant con­structi­on pro­jects of the year in seve­ral dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries. KOMA has long been invol­ved in the popu­la­ri­sati­on of modu­lar archi­tectue and con­structi­on, and on the basis of the sig­ni­fi­cant achie­ve­ments of the past year, deci­ded deci­si­on was made to com­pa­re these achie­ve­ments to stan­dard construction.

Two KOMA pro­jects have been sub­mit­ted to the Buil­ding of the Year com­pe­ti­ti­on spon­so­red by the Zlín Regi­on: the mul­ti­functi­o­nal buil­ding on the KOMA pre­mi­ses in Vizo­vi­ce, ser­ving main­ly as the dining room and sup­port area for KOMA employe­es, and the first low-ener­gy kin­der­gar­ten Oská­rek, which is the com­pa­ny kin­der­gar­ten for chil­dren of the employe­es of Lapp Kabel in Otro­ko­vi­ce. Both buil­dings repre­sent miles­to­nes in modu­lar con­structi­on in the Czech Repub­lic, and the com­pa­ny is curi­ous to see whe­ther they will also con­vin­ce the jury of the Buil­ding of the Year com­pe­ti­ti­on of the­ir uniqueness.

  • Prihlaska-stranka-1
  • MC5A0_Lapp_Kabel
  • Jidelna-koma