KOMA Gave a Pre­sen­tati­on on Modu­lar Archi­tectu­re in Olomouc

17. 04. 2014 | News

KOMA has been popu­la­ri­sing modu­lar archi­tectu­re in the Czech Repub­lic for a long time, in par­ticu­lar thanks to Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor Mar­tin Hart. This time, he spo­ke about his expe­ri­en­ce and knowled­ge at the inter­nati­o­nal fes­ti­val of popu­lar science films AFO in Olo­mouc, whe­re KOMA was a part­ner of the festival.

The pre­sen­tati­on took pla­ce in the RWE open-air cine­ma at the Upper Squa­re, in the buil­ding that the sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA Rent lent for the fes­ti­val. In his pre­sen­tati­on, which was atten­ded by more than 40 peo­ple in spi­te of the busy fes­ti­val pro­gram, Mr Hart focused on the his­to­ry of modu­lar archi­tectu­re and on the major miles­to­nes that have moved modu­lar con­structi­on for­ward. He demon­stra­ted the pro­per­ties that defi­ne modu­lar con­structi­on on the exam­ple of world and local modu­lar archi­tectu­re. At the end, he showed the fes­ti­val visi­tors the top ten exam­ples of modu­lar archi­tectu­ral gems that can be found around the world. After the offi­cial pre­sen­tati­on, he and the par­ti­ci­pants dis­cus­sed the books I love Module.

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