Model of Expo 2015 pavi­li­on, Expo-Bulle­tin and spe­cial web­si­te dedi­ca­ted to the Czech Pavilion

28. 11. 2014 | News

We have cre­a­ted an accu­ra­te model to show to both the lay and pro­fes­si­o­nal pub­lic the final appro­ved ver­si­on of the Czech Pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015, which we are buil­ding in Milan. The model will accom­pa­ny all events rela­ted to the pre­sen­tati­on of the pre­pa­red­ness of the coun­tries par­ti­ci­pa­ting in this pres­ti­gi­ous event. The model has alrea­dy had its pre­mie­re. KOMA, which is the gene­ral con­trac­tor of the Czech Pavi­li­on, took part in a pre­sen­tati­on of the par­ti­ci­pants of the Uni­ver­sal Inter­nati­o­nal Expo­si­ti­on of Indust­ry and Cul­tu­re EXPO 2015 in Milan. A model of the Czech Pavi­li­on was exhi­bi­ted at the Euro­pe­an Par­li­a­ment in Brus­sels. Gene­ral Com­mis­si­o­ner J. F. Potuž­ník him­self intro­du­ced it to the par­ti­ci­pants. Pre­sent for other mee­tings were con­structi­on direc­tor Ladi­slav Slá­meč­ka and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Ita­li­an designers from Pro­ge­ca. The broa­der pre­sen­tati­on also inclu­ded a KOMA modu­le, which was exhi­bi­ted at Pra­gue Hou­se in Brus­sels. We are very hap­py that KOMA can make itself heard and seen in the cen­t­re of Euro­pe­an events.

We cre­a­ted the micro­si­te www.pavilon-expo2015.cz to pro­vi­de more infor­mati­on on the cour­se of pavi­li­on con­structi­on. It offers infor­mati­on on the pro­gress of con­structi­on and inte­res­ting things rela­ted to EXPO. It also inclu­des his­to­ry and inte­res­ting facts about all of our country’s Expo pavi­li­ons from the past.

Ano­ther acti­vi­ty in the pre­sen­tati­on of inte­res­ting infor­mati­on on the EXPO pavi­li­on is the pub­li­cati­on of the first issue of the spe­cial Expo-Bulle­tin. We are plan­ning to pub­lish three more issu­es by the time the pavi­li­on is ope­ned. However, our acti­vi­ty will not end with the com­ple­ti­on of the pavi­li­on. We will inform you of most of the cul­tu­ral and accom­pa­ny­ing events as well as the disas­sem­bly of the pavi­li­on and its life after the exposition.

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  • Uvodni-foto-web
  • Www.pavilon-expo.cz
  • Koma-expo-plakat-tisk-stranka-1
  • Koma-expo-plakat-tisk-stranka-2