CITY Modu­les Appeal to Visi­tors at the Designblok Festival

10. 11. 2015 | News

During the autumn mon­ths of 2015, both resi­dents of Pra­gue and visi­tors to our capi­tal city encoun­te­red CITY modu­les vir­tu­ally eve­ry­whe­re they went. The DesignBlok 2015 tra­de fair can cer­ta­in­ly be ran­ked among pres­ti­gi­ous events.

This was the second time KOMA had pre­sen­ted its aty­pi­cal CITY modu­les at Designblok. This time, fes­ti­val visi­tors had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see three installati­ons across Pra­gue, both at the Hole­šo­vi­ce exhi­bi­ti­on grounds (which were the main venue for this year’s fair) or, as usu­al, on Na Pří­ko­pech street. Atten­de­es of Designblok could stop at any of seve­ral whi­te CITY Modu­les whe­re, in colla­bo­rati­on with the com­pa­nies mmci­té and Big­Bo­ard Pra­ha, three installati­ons were pre­sen­ted as part of the ini­ti­a­ti­ve, Pro lep­ší měs­to“ (For a Bet­ter City), who­se aim is to draw atten­ti­on to the low qua­li­ty of street fur­ni­tu­re in Pra­gue. CITY Modu­les have pro­ven to be a revi­ta­li­sing urban ele­ment that are sui­table for his­to­ri­cal settings as well.

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