CITY Modu­les Help to Rai­se Bre­ast Can­cer Awareness

10. 11. 2015 | News

In the autumn of 2015, you could come across CITY modu­les in Pra­gue lite­rally eve­ry­whe­re you went. One inte­res­ting sight cer­ta­in­ly worth see­ing inclu­ded the cam­paign, Ostře sle­do­va­ná prsa“ (Clo­se­ly Watched Bre­asts), which spreads bre­ast can­cer pre­ven­ti­on awareness.

In the pink modu­le pro­vi­ded for the cam­paign, visi­tors had the chan­ce to car­ry out a bre­ast self-exa­mi­nati­on to see if they found any­thing that might lead to the ear­ly detecti­on of a malig­nant lump. Peo­ple lear­ned that even men are at risk for bre­ast can­cer, and had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sup­port the Alli­an­ce of Women with Bre­ast Can­cer by buy­ing a bre­ast-sha­ped mug. In the whi­te modu­le, women could further sup­port the cam­paign by having a cast of the­ir own bre­asts made.

We are deli­gh­ted that CITY modu­les appeal both to orga­ni­sati­ons that con­ti­nue to seek colla­bo­rati­ons with us, but also, abo­ve all, to passers-by.

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