KOMA Modu­lar Invol­ved in the Gre­en Firm Project

11. 06. 2015 | News

Gre­en Firm is a pro­ject for all com­pa­nies who are not indi­f­fe­rent to the envi­ron­ment and who rea­li­se the­ir cor­po­ra­te social respon­si­bi­li­ty. KOMA Modu­lar has now joi­ned the near­ly two thou­sand com­pa­nies giving the­ir employe­es an oppor­tu­ni­ty to collect small elect­ric appli­an­ces and bat­te­ries. The main pur­po­se of the pro­ject is to pre­vent these appli­an­ces and bat­te­ries from ending at com­mu­nal was­te dumps. 

The com­pa­ny has pla­ced a collecti­on box in its yard whe­re small elect­ric was­te such as EOL bat­te­ries, cal­cu­la­tors, mobi­le pho­nes or electro­nic toys which would nor­mally end in mixed was­te bins may be pla­ced. The con­tent of the collecti­on box toge­ther with cor­po­ra­te elect­ric was­te will be dis­po­sed, sor­ted and liqui­da­ted in and envi­ron­men­tally fri­en­dly man­ner by the non-pro­fit com­pa­ny Rema, the ini­ti­a­tor of the who­le Gre­en Firm pro­ject. Once aga­in, KOMA has demon­stra­ted its respon­si­ble appro­ach to the envi­ron­ment, recyc­ling and susta­i­na­bi­li­ty as such.

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