Lar­ge-For­mat Com­fort Modu­les in the Cen­t­re of London

12. 12. 2015 | News

Even abroad, KOMA had a wide ran­ge of inte­res­ting pro­jects in 2015. This time we would like to pre­sent to you a buil­ding in the very heart of Lon­don – a pro­ject for an offi­ce and a sales showro­om of pres­ti­gi­ous flats for a Bri­tish deve­lo­p­ment company.

The set of lar­ge-for­mat Com­fort­Li­ne modu­les was cre­a­ted in coo­pe­rati­on with part­ner com­pa­ny Losber­ger UK. This inte­res­ting pro­ject is also the debut of the Com­fort­Li­ne ran­ge out­si­de the Czech Repub­lic and Slo­va­kia. KOMA modu­les from the Com­fort­Li­ne ran­ge were sup­plied in the highest possi­ble qua­li­ty and a design which best sui­ted the investor’s visi­on. The inves­tor opted for a modu­lar buil­ding pri­ma­ri­ly for its high vari­a­bi­li­ty and the opti­on of gra­du­al expan­si­on. The spe­ed of modu­lar con­structi­on also pla­yed a role.

The con­necti­on of KOMA modu­les with luxu­ry resi­den­tial buil­dings demon­stra­tes that even modu­lar archi­tectu­re is capa­ble of pro­vi­ding appro­pri­a­te faci­li­ties for pro­jects of this type.

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