KOMA MODU­LAR in the Expor­ter of the Year contest

13. 12. 2016 | News

In this year’s Expor­ter of the Year con­test we were rec­las­si­fied and transferred from the medi­um-sized expor­ter to the lar­ge expor­ter cate­go­ry (export volu­me abo­ve CZK 500 mil­li­on). We made two trips to the winner’s podi­um“ - in the Year-on-Year Growth“ and best expor­ters cate­go­ries accor­ding to the Top Rating Bis­no­de” ran­kings. This year’s 22nd anni­ver­sa­ry con­test was aga­in held in Kai­serš­tejn Palace.

In this year’s Expor­ter of the Year con­test we were rec­las­si­fied and transferred from the medi­um-sized expor­ter to the lar­ge expor­ter cate­go­ry (export volu­me abo­ve CZK 500 mil­li­on). We made two trips to the winner’s podi­um“ - in the Year-on-Year Growth“ and best expor­ters cate­go­ries accor­ding to the Top Rating Bis­no­de” ran­kings. This year’s 22nd anni­ver­sa­ry con­test was aga­in held in Kai­serš­tejn Palace.

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