KOMA sup­ports the Tomáš Baťa Foundation

09. 06. 2016 | News

Tomáš Baťa has been a high­ly inspi­rati­o­nal figu­re for KOMA Modu­lar sin­ce its very begin­ning. This phe­no­me­nal busi­nessman who managed to take the Zlín area to ama­zing hei­ghts sold his pro­ducts and imple­men­ted his ide­as throu­ghout the enti­re world. This is one of the rea­sons KOMA now works with the Tomáš Baťa Foun­dati­on in popu­la­ri­sing Baťa’s legacy.

KOMA manu­factu­red and deli­ve­red a pre­sen­tati­on CITY modu­le to the foun­dati­on for the 140th anni­ver­sa­ry of the birth of the world famous ent­re­pre­ne­ur. Begin­ning in ear­ly May, peo­ple can learn more about the life of this major busi­ness visi­o­na­ry in our CITY modu­le. Althou­gh times chan­ge and opi­ni­ons on Tomáš Baťa evol­ve, his words rema­in valid to this day: I do not beque­ath you buil­dings or machi­nes; after all, they are just piles of bricks and iron. It is peo­ple that bring them to life’. We are the­re­fo­re deli­gh­ted that it is pre­ci­se­ly in the KOMA Modu­lar pro­duct that these thou­ghts will spread over the enti­re Czech Repub­lic and abroad.