Barum Con­ti­nen­tal Has New Rooftop Modu­lar Offi­ces for Soft­ware Developers

17. 12. 2019 | News

In a record-bre­a­king 8 mon­ths from the order, KOMA MODU­LAR pro­du­ced, sup­plied and assem­bled a unique modu­lar extensi­on on an exis­ting buil­ding at the pro­ducti­on site of Barum Con­ti­nen­tal in Otrokovice.

The­re is a very strong ser­vi­ce cen­t­re in Otro­ko­vi­ce – The SCEE Ser­vi­ce Cen­ter Eas­tern Euro­pe – that pro­vi­des IT ser­vi­ces to all pro­ducti­on Con­ti­nen­tal faci­li­ties in more than 15 coun­tries around the world. The exis­ting soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment pre­mi­ses beca­me insu­f­fi­ci­ent, so Con­ti­nen­tal deci­ded to extend the offi­ces in the form of an addi­ti­o­nal sto­rey on the exis­ting buil­ding. The enti­re capi­tal invest­ment pro­ject was sub­ject to the appro­val of the Ger­man company’s manage­ment. This eco­no­mi­cal solu­ti­on of exten­ding pre­mi­ses with modu­les on roofs of buil­dings is rou­ti­ne abroad. This method is very quick and does not inter­fe­re with on-going busi­ness ope­rati­ons in the way that tra­di­ti­o­nal con­structi­on methods would. In the past, KOMA MODU­LAR has per­for­med simi­lar installati­ons e.g. the extensi­on of ward capa­ci­ties for a hospi­tal in the Nether­lands. The super­structu­re in Otro­ko­vi­ce is the first modu­lar extensi­on in the industrial sec­tor insi­de the Czech Republic.

With respect to cli­ma­te pro­tecti­on and the appli­cati­on of envi­ron­men­tally fri­en­dly tech­no­lo­gies, modu­lar con­structi­on is among the ele­ments encom­pas­sed within a cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. At the Inter­nati­o­nal Engi­nee­ring Fair in Brno, the foun­dati­on of the Cir­cu­lar Hot­spot Czechia was announ­ced, within which KOMA repre­sents this desi­ra­ble method of construction.

The enti­re super­structu­re was erec­ted within two mon­ths on site. The offi­ces, with a flo­or area of 750 m2, are for­med from 24 assor­ted spa­ce modu­les, with the len­gths from 6m to 11.5m and wid­ths from 3m up 3.6m. The faca­de is fit­ted with facing from bond pla­tes. The inte­ri­or also con­ta­ins a lei­su­re zone with table foot­ball and spor­ting devi­ces. A stable inner cli­ma­te is main­ta­i­ned with flo­or hea­ting and air-con­di­ti­o­ning. The enti­re modern offi­ce inte­ri­or is finished with inner glass par­ti­ti­ons in com­bi­nati­on with alu­mi­ni­um win­dows and doors.

On Wed­ne­sday, 23 Octo­ber 2019, this new IT cen­t­re was cere­mo­ni­ous­ly ope­ned in the pre­sen­ce of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Con­ti­nen­tal AG and KOMA MODU­LAR. The Gene­ral Direc­tor of Barum Con­ti­nen­tal, Mr. Libor Láz­nič­ka, high­li­gh­ted the workman­ship and the appro­ach of KOMA and announ­ced futu­re plans to extend offi­ce rooms in Continental.

  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 1
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 2
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 3
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 4
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 5
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 6
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 7
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 8
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 9
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 10
  • Modular office on the roof Barum Continental Otrokovice CZ 11