LE RELAIS DE LA MAL­MAI­SON 4* Hotel Annex Buil­ding in Paris

30. 07. 2019 | News

This spring we com­ple­ted an annex buil­ding for the LE RELAIS DE LA MAL­MAI­SON 4* hotel in Paris.

This spring we com­ple­ted an annex buil­ding for the LE RELAIS DE LA MAL­MAI­SON 4* hotel in Paris. The modu­lar extensi­on has 28 hotel rooms equip­ped with eve­ry­thing that belon­gs in a 4* hotel inclu­ding a bal­co­ny and air-con­di­ti­o­ned rooms with a regu­la­ted air exchan­ge. The modu­lar structu­re has demon­stra­ted yet ano­ther type of appli­cati­on that it can fill. The hotel pro­per is situa­ted in ple­a­sant park surroun­dings and the low-impact assem­bly with the help of modu­les was one the main rea­sons the cli­ent deci­ded on this con­structi­on solu­ti­on. This 4-sto­rey hotel was erec­ted following an archi­tec­to­nic pro­ject by MARI­NA PRO­JETS & ARCHI­TECTU­RE, who also coor­di­na­ted and super­vi­sed the enti­re pro­cess. Our com­pa­ny and the method of modu­lar con­structi­on, which con­forms to the phi­lo­so­phy of a cir­cu­lar eco­no­my, were clo­se­ly phi­lo­so­phi­cally aligned with the visi­on and wishes of the hotel manage­ment. The hotel under­ta­kes many ste­ps for the pro­tecti­on of the envi­ron­ment inclu­ding the use of plants to absorb hyd­ro­car­bons, the appli­cati­on of rege­ne­rati­on sys­tems, and the usage of rainwa­ter. The hotel has five beehi­ves of its own and pro­vi­des its guests with a won­der­ful expe­ri­en­ce ser­ving its own own honey; they call the succu­lent honey mille fle­u­rs” and ser­ve it at bre­ak­fast. The first guests to expe­ri­en­ce the hospi­ta­li­ty of the hotel and its auxi­li­a­ry faci­li­ties were mem­bers of the French wome­n’s foot­ball team. Faci­li­ties inclu­de a ten­nis court, an indo­or swi­m­ming pool, a 9-hole golf cour­se adja­cent to the hotel, and a jog­ging path along the Sei­ne. A load test was per­for­med suc­cess­fully, so the hotel could be com­ple­te­ly pre­pa­red for high sea­son. If you would like to try the hospi­ta­li­ty of the hotel, you can find eve­ry­thing at https://www.relaismalmaison.fr/ .

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