We star­ted the con­structi­on of a new hall L for the pro­ducti­on of modu­lar facades

15. 06. 2023 | News

This sta­te-of-the-art hall will be used for the pro­ducti­on of modu­lar faça­des and alu­mi­ni­um win­dow and door panels. The invest­ment in this new hall is pro­of of our sta­bi­li­ty and suc­cess even in dif­ficult times, and will also bring new jobs.

In June 2023, we star­ted con­structi­on of the new pro­ducti­on hall L. This modern buil­ding will be used for the pro­ducti­on of modu­lar faca­des and alu­mi­ni­um door and win­dow panels. The invest­ment in the pro­ducti­on hall will bring addi­ti­o­nal jobs in the new modern hall.

Modu­lar faca­des and alu­mi­ni­um door panels are key ele­ments of the archi­tectu­re and design. Our new pro­ducti­on hall L will be equip­ped with modern tech­no­lo­gy and equi­p­ment to ena­ble us to achie­ve high qua­li­ty pro­ducti­on and meet even the deman­ding requi­re­ments of our cus­to­mers.

The design of the hall was designed by archi­tects from CHY­BIK + KRIS­TOF stu­dio. The con­structi­on is pro­vi­ded by TM Stav and Kovo­trend. The expec­ted com­ple­ti­on date is 1123.

  • Plan zavodu
  • Hala L fasady a hliniky